Monday, December 31, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas. As always, it all flew by in a blur. Lots of kids, lots of food, lots of noise and wrapping paper...that's all I recall. Good thing I was taking pictures! We had a blast with family, and Amelia was so entertained. She wanted to grab everything in sight, especially everyones new toys. The older kids, Logan, 2 and a half, and Caroline,3, wanted to protect their things from her the whole time. Amelia kept them on their toes! It was fun to see the younger ones together too. They don't really know what to do with each other yet...they were way too busy making sure that mom was still in clear sight. It overall was a Christmas to remember, and we hope that everyone had a special Christmas as well! Happy New Year!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Some Fun Videos of Amelia Walking!

The quality of the videos are so terrible, but it is all I have figured out so far with using our digital camera. Haven't learned how to use our video camera yet for this.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This is so funny! I laughed at Sarah's so hard (I was home alone, and bored). I just had to try this out for us! Hope ya like...Check it out on the top right of our blog page.

I'm Almost 1 !!!

"I'm a little christmas bear...
Short and stout!
Here are my ears, and here is my snout!
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!
Just pick me up so I wont pout!"
Thanks Deb for the cutest hat!!!...We've had it on all day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Her "Fuzzy" is very special for bedtime. Allison, my good good friend from College gave her this little blanket. She immidiately replaced the old fuzzy with her new one, and has loved on it ever sense. THANKS ALLISON!! Love ya!

Thanksgiving...Better Late Than Never!

This year's Thanksgiving was fun and different all at the same time. We went to Gatinburg, TN to spend time with Preston's parents at their time-share condo. We had so much fun watching Amelia and Clayton, who is Sarah and Graham's 9 month old little boy. Amelia and Clayton are so close in age that I know that soon they will be up to no good running around together. Amelia is trying out walking, "talking" tons, and totally cracks herself up. Clayton is just the cutest thing. He laughs and laughs, and smiles so big! Everything was great except that Deborah, Will and Catelyn were not able to be there this time. We all missed them so much. I haven't seen Catelyn in a really long time, and it means so much to me that Amelia knows ALL of her cousins. I am hoping to soon be able to finally get all three together!