Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trip To The Nature Center

Good times at the nature center. We had fabulous weather, and covered lots of ground

Amelia had a pretty good day at the nature center. The picture looks as though she lost a leg there, but, I assure you she did not.

We stopped for a bit to take a break and teach Amelia how to trow rocks. It was Preston's idea, and she took to it a bit too fast.

Grandaddy will be proud...Amelia has taken an interest in farm equipment. She'll be working on the farm soon enough

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Window Watching

There is a courtyard outside our window just three stories down, and Amelia has taken an interest in watching the people hanging out down there. It is a really nice area, so our neighbors are often down there grilling out and such. Amelia loves one of the little girls in our building. Her name is Katie and she is nine. Katie is usually down in the courtyard with her family and some others and Amelia just gets the biggest kick out of seeing her down there. She just stands there talking to her and waving to her. Everyone now sort of expects her to appear in the window and they all wave back. It's so exciting for her...just the smallest things in life are so thrilling to her.

Our new place

Amelia in her new room

Preston was taking a short break from the move

Preston and I recently moved into a different unit of our building...actually, it is exactly one down from us. It's, for the most part, the same layout and everything. We are very happy with it, and we hope to stay a while here. The building now has a "children's area" with a swing set, sand box and a baby pool. We have several friends in the building as well, so we have remained very happy with our place here. We have been here 2 1/2 years now, and we will have good memories of this place.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pictures of Random Things

Clean baby, very full belly, time for bed!

Amelia showing off her new choker

"Two cuties"

Preston thinking about...something very important, I'm sure.