Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trip To The Nature Center

Good times at the nature center. We had fabulous weather, and covered lots of ground

Amelia had a pretty good day at the nature center. The picture looks as though she lost a leg there, but, I assure you she did not.

We stopped for a bit to take a break and teach Amelia how to trow rocks. It was Preston's idea, and she took to it a bit too fast.

Grandaddy will be proud...Amelia has taken an interest in farm equipment. She'll be working on the farm soon enough


Anonymous said...

can I tell u something?
what a beautiful family :)
that´s true!

I can see all the happiness yours faces =)

well, I got to go!
my name is fabian and I´m from chile!
take care.

The Burgess Family said...

I see why it's a private account now!

The Burgess Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Burgess Family said...

In case you are wondering about the "post removed by authoer" it was me. I accidently sent my first comment twice.

The Colorado Carrs said...

Oh the Nature Center. I wanted to take Rylie so bad but the weather was awful. I cant believe how big Amelia is getting.

rylie says Ahh, Ahh

Jaime said...

i too see why you have blocked your blog - pretty scary! Thanks for inviting me to take a peek! Preston, It is so great to see your beautiful family!