Amelia has started a "water babies" class on saturdays. She is a little fish. She loves it so much that it is a battle to get her out of the pool, dressed, and out the door without a total meltdown...I have not been successful in doing this yet. Nevertheless, it's worth it to see her smiling from ear to ear the entire time. Simon is her friend taking the class with her(they met through myself and his mom, Sam).
Helping kids learn to not be afraid of water is so important. I am glad you are able to take her to these classes and I am glad she is loving them so much. Enjoy every minute of it.
I LOVE it!!!! She's so precious!!! I can't believe how big she has gotten! That's a good idea doing water babies. Do you get in the pool with her for it? How fun!!! I may have to copy that idea! :) Love ya'll!
Oh my word!!!!
We are coming to Asheville April 3-11. Maybe we should have a playdate!
That baby has the absolute cutest smile! And I loooove the bathing suit! That's great that she's learning to be in the water.
New post- new post- new post!!! I can't wait to see ya'll in a couple weeks!!! I will do everything in my power to keep my family well this time. ha!
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