Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ummmm, just a bit too tight!

Much better.


Deb said...

Love it,love it, love it!!! So cute!! Pig tails are my favorite on little girls!

Jaime said...

love those pigtails! Julian - i love that you introduced me to The Library Thing through your blog. A Thousand Splendid Suns caught my view when i was looking last week and it drew me to that website today. i am an avid reader but having children slows you down. i have read all the books on your list except for On Agate Hill but i will be buying that one soon, looks great! oh, thousand splendid suns is in my stack of to read so i haven't gotten to it yet. i lost lots of sleep too and had many nightmares while reading The Kite Runner last year but it was a wonderful book. Jodi Picoult is a wonderful writer if you haven't read her. start with Plain Truth or Mercy. enjoy!

Aunt Vicki said...

I am really enjoying keeping up with my great nieces and nephew this way. The piggy-tails are so cute. However, I thought I would tell you that we call them toney-bells. The first time I put them on Jennifer, she couldn't remember what they were called and asked if they were toney-bells and that's what we've called them since. Wasn't that so cute? Ha!!

Su said...

Hope Amelia's getting ready for the beach! Her partners in crime - I mean, cousins - are soooo excited!