And YES, the helmet's necessary. I do get some funny looks around this place with a small toddler zippin' around on a trike with a massive helmet on...sometimes she prefers to just walk about with the head gear still on with the trike parked somewhere safe. I may have been labeled as one of those extreme parents who assume injury is around every corner. But no, if you could see the delight in her eyes as she races down the inclined sidewalk, speed increasing, and demanding I let go right this instant, then you would agree. The helmet stays.
Hey, we see all too often what happens to kids who don't wear helmets, even on a trike. Way to go, you're a great mom, don't let anyone tell you any different.
She is so stinkin' cute!! Killer eyes! I really cannot wait to see ya'll in December. I'm loving all the posts lately!!
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