We all had a grand time in Winnsboro with family and pets alike! It was good to see Sipsey. She is so much older now than she is in my memories of her just a half a year ago. That's how it goes I suppose. She's an old girl and has lived a pretty active life, even as an apartment dog. We all really enjoyed seeing Wilbur return home to my Dad after a nearly month long journey to who knows where. His return really was a prayer answered! He may have been the very first dog ever that has been added to the prayer (and praise)list at St John's Church. He is a good companion and belongs home on the farm chasing the rodents. There was also a lot of excitement with Dad's new horse, Cowboy. He is so beautiful. I got to ride him a bit on Sunday with Dad close by. Unfortunately, when Dad rode him just afterwards, Cowboy was suddenly irritated and bucked my Dad right off. It was terrible to see, but Dad was not permanently injured thankfully, although he spent a miserable time in the ER and a few days in the hospital with a substantial amount of pain. He is getting around ok, and we are all very thankful for that! According to Amelia (who saw the incident, but didn't understand really what had happened), Granddaddy fell down off of Cowboy. Got a band aid. Is all better now...Ahhh, if only the aches and pains of life could be fixed by a kiss and an Elmo band aid.