Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No Camera, But Still Here

Well, there have been no posts (pictures for the G-Parents)lately because I HAVE HAD NO CAMERA! What's up? Deborah lost her camera a while back, and now me. Where's this nasty little camera monster eatin up all the picture takin devices? Anywho, things are pretty steady here. The usuals, work going well for both, I've been trying acupuncture lately and really love it. Amelia is potty training now and it's all pretty "by-the-book"...lots of stickers on a sticker chart, panties vs. pull-ups (apparently there are no other options other than princess EVERYTHING), and lots of cleaning up and searching around for puddles. Amelia woke Preston up from HIS nap yesterday having undressed and undiapered herself after a poop and an attempt on the potty. I'm still finding evidence of the incident.

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