Monday, December 31, 2007
A Very Merry Christmas!
We had a great Christmas. As always, it all flew by in a blur. Lots of kids, lots of food, lots of noise and wrapping paper...that's all I recall. Good thing I was taking pictures! We had a blast with family, and Amelia was so entertained. She wanted to grab everything in sight, especially everyones new toys. The older kids, Logan, 2 and a half, and Caroline,3, wanted to protect their things from her the whole time. Amelia kept them on their toes! It was fun to see the younger ones together too. They don't really know what to do with each other yet...they were way too busy making sure that mom was still in clear sight. It overall was a Christmas to remember, and we hope that everyone had a special Christmas as well! Happy New Year!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Some Fun Videos of Amelia Walking!
The quality of the videos are so terrible, but it is all I have figured out so far with using our digital camera. Haven't learned how to use our video camera yet for this.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I'm Almost 1 !!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Thanksgiving...Better Late Than Never!
This year's Thanksgiving was fun and different all at the same time. We went to Gatinburg, TN to spend time with Preston's parents at their time-share condo. We had so much fun watching Amelia and Clayton, who is Sarah and Graham's 9 month old little boy. Amelia and Clayton are so close in age that I know that soon they will be up to no good running around together. Amelia is trying out walking, "talking" tons, and totally cracks herself up. Clayton is just the cutest thing. He laughs and laughs, and smiles so big! Everything was great except that Deborah, Will and Catelyn were not able to be there this time. We all missed them so much. I haven't seen Catelyn in a really long time, and it means so much to me that Amelia knows ALL of her cousins. I am hoping to soon be able to finally get all three together!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Amelia and her Papaw
Monday, November 5, 2007
Halloween Fun
Halloween was so fun this year. Our department at work dresses up each year as a group and tries to compete a bit with the directors. This year, we were so on our game. We out-did everyone! Our department, consisting of the core four girls, plus two interns, plus one nurse (who wanted to cature the spirit of the day with us)dressed as the Misfit Beauty Queens...Miss Fortune, Miss Behavin', Miss Print, Miss Understood, Miss Educated, Miss Matched, and Miss Cellaneous (miscelaneous). I was Miss Print. We decorated our formal wear with items related to our titles. I had news print taped all over with funny misquotes and misprints. We had tiaras and wands to complement our look. We had a blast. For Halloween each year we have a carnival for the kids with games and crafts. Afterwards, we do a big parade with the kids, parents, and staff through the hospital. Participating units give out treats to the kids, and we all get to show off our costumes. We provide costumes for the kids who don't have any, so everyone has a blast!
That night, our building has a big party with costumes and the whole deal. Preston was out of town for work, so I went for a bit with a neighbor of ours. I transformed my costume into a moth (don't ask how...but it worked well), and Amelia went as a ballerina (or tiny dancer). We had fun, and she wanted only to walk around the whole time, so it was pretty exausting for me. It was a good time all around.
The Sneaky Girl
Well hello again! I have managed to neglect my blog to the point of practically forgetting how to do this. Things have been so busy, but wonderful at the same time. Preston has been gone for work for a good amount of time over the past several weeks. I have missed him terribly, but am thankful that he is such a hard worker. He and his dad have teamed up together to make one unbeatable force. Things at work are pretty good. Being full-time has presented some difficulties with juggling morning routines, Preston leaving town often, and figuring out childcare. With all of that, life stays pretty jam packed. I know all of you moms out there with more than one child are probably laughing at me, thinking I have it pretty easy with just one... You're right! Someday I'll look back at this and laugh knowing that I have it pretty good.
Anyway...Amelia is doing wonderful! She is just about to walk! She is so darn close. She speeds around pushing her radio flyer wagon stopping only to look back to see whose chasing her. Every once in a while, she lets go of the handle and just stands there freely. She is figuring things out fast. It is so fun watching her do all of these things in her own sweet time. Her latest word is 'Uh-Oh'. Also, she and Sipsey have somehow buddied up during mealtime. They have this secret understanding between the two of them. Amelia feeds herself one bite, then Sipsey get a bite...Amelia gets a bite, Sipsey gets a bite...It's a great deal for Sips, and Amelia thinks she is so cute and sneaky(she is).
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Mmmm...Beets are pretty good!
Things here have been pretty good! The weather is beautiful, and we have been spending more time outside. This week, I start full time at the hospital! It will still be four days a week, but longer hours. I hope to be able to adjust smoothly into this new role. I still love my job, so I'm hoping that this will be a good thing. Anyway, Amelia is perfect, and so fun right now!!! She makes so many funny noises, and is ALL OVER THE PLACE. She never sits still, ever. We love having an 8 month old!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Daddy Time
This past week, Amelia has been a little sick from a tummy bug. She has been so great about it, though. She gets sick, then seconds later wanting to play and "crawl" across the floor laughing and talking. It all catches up with her eventually, and when it does, Dad is there for cuddles. Preston has stayed home with her this entire week so that I could make up some time at work. It has been long for him, but I think that he has enjoyed it (except for the constant diaper changes). It's sad to see a pitiful baby not feeling well enough to play, but they do like to cuddle more. Preston has gotten some good daddy time in.
Robert's Welcome Home Party
This past weekend, we celebrated Robert's return home. He has been away for the past 8 months studying in Mexico as part of his MBA program at USC. We missed him (but were pretty jelouse). There was a great turn out, despite the rain. Several folks, including Preston, brought their instruments and graced us with some good 'ol pickin'. We had a blast. It's good to have us all back together again.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Pull-Up
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Mesh Sucky Thing
Thursday, August 9, 2007
"Scooter Poop"
And, finally, Amelia is cutting her first tooth (teeth, actually). Her two bottom teeth are coming in simultaneously...Ouch! I can tell that she is in lots of pain, and it is hard to know what to do. She also is not yet crawling, but she is working on it. Getting around in the walker is what she does best. She runs across the room with her arms flying in the air and her knees wobbling all over the place. She chases Sipsey around, while Sipsey just does her best to avoid her all together. She clips our ankles and runs into our toes. Who needs to crawl when you can scoot around in a walker? We call her "Scooter Poop".
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wedding Weekend
Kat, Allison, Me, and Kathy
This past weekend, I travelled out to Pagosa Springs, Colorado to be there for my friend Allison's wedding. The entire weekend was so wonderful! Allison looked fabulous, and the ceremony was beautiful (not a drop of rain in sight). Allison and I had not seen each other in over two years, so, we had a blast catching up. There is definitely something to be said about missing two years of a friends life, and picking right back up where you left off.
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