Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bath Time

Amelia's newest talent is soaking the entire bathroom during her bath. She flips her body all over the tub with this intense look on her face. Preston and I were practically in tears laughing at her. She really is a funny little baby.

Family Time

I went to Columbia this past weekend to see Robert, who came home from Mexico City for the weekend, and Little Callie. We spent lots of time with Logan and Meredith, and getting to know Callie. She wasn't too happy in this picture, but she is the sweetest little thing! Her favorite things in life are sleeping, nursing, and looking cute. Amelia shares those very same interests (except the sleeping)! Callie and Amelia will surely be best buds soon.

I went to Columbia this past weekend to see Robert, who came home from Mexico City

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day

Mother's day was pretty good. Amelia was a little fussy that day, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Things are going really good with her. She is eating a little rice cereal at night. I was hoping that it would keep her from waking up too often at night to nurse, but so far, she still gets up about two to three times a night. She sampled a bit of avacado yesterday mixed in her cereal, and some peas today. She is getting the hang of it slowly, but I certainly don't want to push it on her if she isn't ready. She is also rolling over now(front to back mostly). She is truely an amazing little person, and so funny! She laughs so hard, and smiles so big (mostly at the dog and at Preston). I can't wait to see what she is doing this time next year!

puppy love

She absolutely loves sipsey, and whenever she is fussy, sipsey always brings a laugh. We let sipsey sniff her, but no licking allowed. I wish that I had a recording of her laughing at the dog, it's hysterical!

Cute Tushie

We are getting ready for bath time here, and I could not resist snapping a shot of the cutest little tushie this side of the Missippi.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Bumbo Seat

We got a bumbo seat (thanks Mimi). She is so cute in it, but we soon found out that she can actually get out of it by arching her little back and stretching her legs out. She's going to be a climber!


Horray! Meredith and Logan now have a beautiful little girl named (drum roll).....Julian Calhoun Doty "Callie". Sorry, I don't have a better picture of her. She was in the nursery, and only grandparents were allowed back. I will have a good picture soon. Little Logan is there with his other gradfather "Harry" to meet his sister.

On the Farm

We all went to South Carolina this past weekend to welcome our newest member of the family (Logan and Meredith's 2nd little one). Before the big day, we spent some time on the farm with my dad. Don't worry, she's not learning to drive the four wheeler yet...she'll probably never be allowed on it for real anyway.


They both are admiring their good looks in the mirror. Someday, Amelia may spend as much time doing her hair as her dad does.