Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Bath Time

Amelia's newest talent is soaking the entire bathroom during her bath. She flips her body all over the tub with this intense look on her face. Preston and I were practically in tears laughing at her. She really is a funny little baby.


The Colorado Carrs said...

Ca I say your a genuis! I can now bathe Rylie with out breaking my back.I have beeen struggling with her slippery little bottom. now we take a bath like Amelia and love it!

The Colorado Carrs said...

I hope you dont mind I added you as a link on our blog. Let me know if you want me to take it off. It in know way offends me seeing as I actually don tknow you! haha

Its funny how many Blog ffriends I have now! I do however hope to meet you at Allisons wedding!