Babies Galore!!

Preston and I went to visit his youngest sister, Deborah, her husband Will, and their darling baby girl, Catelyn. Catelyn is 6 weeks old already, and this was our first time to see her. She's precious! Preston's other sister, Sarah, her husband Graham, and their 5 month old boy, Clayton were there as well. It was so much fun to be with all the babies. To see how they have grown, and getting to know their little personalities was priceless. Preston's parents also had a great visit with the babies. It was so cute seeing how they all are so different. Catelyn, being so little still, is very watchful and peaceful. She also is experimenting with her smiles. Clayton is really finding his personality with big smiles, and lots of charm. He is gentle, and so sweet. Amelia has a big personality, and shows it through noisy verbalizations, and lots of curiosity. She grabs at EVERYTHING (including other babies within reach).
Loving the new background. Everything looks so great!! I had such a blast hanging out with ya'll this past weekend. Hopefully, it won't be to long before we can do it again. Have a great time at the beach!
Great pictures. I hadn't seen those yet. Thanks for making the trip to Birmingham. It was great to see you guys. Amelia can really light up a room. She's great! Hope to see yall again before too long. Have fun at the beach and take lots of fun pictures.
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